The summer is upon us and, if it’s getting quieter for you, here are 4 ideas to help you tackle the big communication jobs that need to be ready for the September push….

Services and processes evolving?

If the summer gives you time to make changes to key processes, then storyboarding is a superb visual tool to use when communicating how those changes will work to those who will be affected. Develop effective messaging that will explain not only the physical process but the emotional impact too – for colleagues, stakeholders and customers.

Decks getting tired?

Do you have decks which need a refresh? Maybe they could do with a cosmetic uplift or something more. Could you be thinking of taking your current deck and transforming it into an animation? Here’s an example of a slide deck we animated for our friends at Locksmith.

Time for new learning?

September is a great time to share your updated learning materials with participants. Could your resources benefit from updating? Maybe they could do with the addition of high impact imagery and icons. We’re busy creating a range of visual assets for clients who deliver training from induction through to technical mastery.

New strategy?

When your colleagues return from the summer feeling refreshed they will be up for something inspiring to spur them on. Animation is a powerful method of getting your message across. Ditch the deck and choose to move with bespoke, animated imagery. Check out some of our examples on YouTube .

Or simply delve deeper…

If you’re interested in visual thinking take a look at Ink Blot – the Inky Thinking Blog. You’ll find a range of articles including simple hints and tips, what happens behind the scenes of an animation, and how to create the stand out RFP.

Those big jobs over the summer will be much more fun when you take a visual approach, ready for maximum impact in September.

About Inky Thinking …

Inky Thinking is a creative agency specialising in the creation of bespoke visual imagery, enabling leaders and organisations to communicate seamlessly. Services include graphic recording (live illustration), bespoke rich picture design and animated explainer videos. Ask the team of Inky Thinkers to create impactful imagery of lasting value by emailing or calling +44 (0)333 567 2121.